Check out this exclusive post from one of our ongoing Online Intensive programs: SAW’s Graphic Memoir Intensive (led by Instructors Tom Hart and Beth Trembley)!

Beth recently made this post in the group:

“This week, let's all finish this sentence:

‘You know you're a graphic memoirist when...’

You can do it in prose if you want, or draw a panel or short sequence that shows an answer rather than actually writing the end of the sentence.

Here's mine, from last week.

I wonder if this might be a fun thing to put up on the SAW blog too!!

Have fun!!” - Beth Trembley

Here are a few answers from our students:

By Earla Dawn Legault

By Earla Dawn Legault

Bonus, a comment from Tom Hart:

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What do you have to add? Tell us in the comment or in our FREE online community, SAW's Mighty Network!

Want to join in on the Graphic Memoir Community? Our Graphic Memoir Intensive is ongoing and offered on a Sliding-Scale! Check out more information with this link: Graphic Memoir Intensive.


Do you have a story inside you that’s just itching to come out, but want some guidance to help push it out?

Learn more about intensive comics learning with teachers at SAW by checking out SAW’s Year-Long Intensive Program and our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive.

Be sure to also check out our Online Courses, since some courses are offered year-round and are always enrolling!

Our Graphic Memoir Intensive runs year round and is always enrolling.  It includes access to a vibrant working community, twice-monthly live online check-ins, weekly prompts, and access to SAW’s Monthly Pro Calls!

Our Comics Flow Group, or SAW FLOW MEMBERSHIP, is also year-round and always enrolling and is SAW's MOST AFFORDABLE course option with access to Monthly Pro-Calls!

And, of course, come see what we’re all up to on SAW's Mighty Network anytime!


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