More Graphic Novel Editing, Another Comparison

For fans of those "Spot the Difference" comics in the funny pages, here's another two versions of the same page. I think there's not much improvement (second version at right might even be weaker) BUT I redrew the heck out of the pushup hands in panel one, and they look great.

I made the soldier do those hardcore knuckle pushups since they are easier to draw. The first version on the left made her hands look like croissants (yeah, it's a lady, they're both ladies, actually.) Everything about this is not easy (I hesitate to whine and say "this is hard") but... not the easiest!

I will be glad when this is over, I can't tell if there's much improvement for the amount of time it takes. But, it's worth trying to make something look good. I try to focus on "what I have in my hands right now" (skills and abilities) not who I wish I was of Future Me Who is Much Better at Drawing and Socializing and Unafraid of All Things.

-Jess Ruliffson


Do you have a story inside you that’s just itching to come out, but want some guidance to help push it out?

Learn more about intensive comics learning with teachers at SAW by checking out SAW’s Year-Long Intensive Program and our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive.

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Our Graphic Memoir Intensive runs year round and is always enrolling.  It includes access to a vibrant working community, twice-monthly live online check-ins, weekly prompts, and access to SAW’s Monthly Pro Calls!

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CLUTTER by Ariel Bordeaux Book Release Party! Friday March 4


SAW Friday Night Comics: Drawing Health with Georgia Webber