Find A Space and A Family
A student asked me what the point was when there was so much of EVERYTHING everywhere...
She said, Everything I make is just like something else, it's already out there, it's not as good as everyone else.
Or else: Someone already had the same ideas.
I'll never be as good as them.
I don't even want to be.
I don't even want to try!
It's ok. You can stop comparing!
Look inside. Look outward.
Make your noises. Seek guidance.
We were meant to live in small groups.
And you are meant to be the artist there.
Find a place.
Where you can work on communicating, sharing, touching.
Find a family.
And grow in it.
Find your heart.
And feed it.
Justine calls it "Dancing the Panther"
I call it "Going in for the Snakes"
Two new amazing classes for you.
Justine's new Idea Place and Myth-Making Working Group
We want to share these classes with you.
Justine believes so strongly in the power of myth and craft to transform.
I believe so much in your raw, truthful voice.
Come learn.
"Find a place you trust and try trusting it for a while." - (Sister Corita Kent)