Teen+Tween Summer Workshop! July 9-13 + July 16-20

Every summer, we take two weeks to deep dive into comics creation for teens and tweens!

This year our Summer Teen/Tween Intensive will be July 9-13 and July 16-20.


In the first week of this comics-making class, we'll build basic comics creation skills through exercises and short projects.

Students will learn cartooning techniques and tools, design their own characters, practice drawing action, backgrounds and objects, and explore how to tell great stories in comics form.

In the second week, we will focus on one long project and the creation of a student-edited anthology. This is a fun, fast-paced, hands-on creative learning experience designed especially for teens and tweens. 

This course meets Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm each day. Lunch is not provided, but water and pretzels are available.

Sliding Scale Pricing: $75, $125, $200 $250


This course is priced on a sliding scale, based on need. Please pay what you can. If you can afford to pay a little more, you'll help us make this awesome class accessible to more students in our community.

If you'd like to pay an amount that's not listed below, please contact us at evenings at sequentialartsistsworkshop.org.



Student Spotlight: Beth Trembley!


Storytelling Flow