When Making a Graphic Memoir: Where Does Your Body Do Its Best Thinking?

Not long ago in our Graphic Memoir Intensive, group members shared videos and thoughts about the places where we do our most productive thinking.

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Pages might not get drawn in these spaces, but percolation occurs. Ideas are born.

These are the places where our minds can slow down, can open up.

We explored spaces of all kinds, including bike rides through urban landscapes, roads over mountains, wooded hiking trails, kitchen tables, home studios, neighborhoods.

For many of us, getting outdoors and moving helps our minds get moving too! And now, in the time of COVID-19, more than ever, we stretch our bodies and imaginations outside of our homes when we can.

If you are working on a graphic memoir, or any comics project (especially a long one!) ask yourself not only where you need to be to get the most work done, but where you need to be so you can do your most productive, imaginative, and authentic thinking!

Want to learn more? Check out the Graphic Memoir Intensive Group at SAW.


From the Yellow Kid to Hyperbole and a Half


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