Hey Storytellers!

How would YOU. . .

Appeal to people at SAW about membership contributions?

You are all storytellers here…

and as such, I want to ask for your help.

SAW is $6,000 in the hole for 2024 (and omg looking at another deficit of $14,000+ because of the governor of the state of Florida’s VETO of ANY ARTS FUNDING for 2024.)

Why ?

Because we give too much away, actually!

Too much, too cheaply, or we over-deliver on programs other places would collect and walk away from.


New non-monetized story projects like the 90s-Era Mini-Comics Oral History Archives and The Terrible Anvil and Friday Night Comics

Here’s what the Mighty Networks says we should charge for our BASIC MEMBERSHIP, that I KID YOU NOT, would include AI-Generated Prompts to keep conversation going…

Needless to say, NONE of our plans cost that much, and they are run by real-people but they could, and probably should! :)

Other models…

How many of you remember Sketchbook Skool? In their last years, they charged $130/month for their banquet of offerings.

You know we are different, and lo-fi, and interested in knowing you and looking you in the eye. We are where your friends and colleagues are…

I look to Instagram and I see hundreds of people who met each other AT SAW.

Didn’t you call me a Storyteller?

Yes! Anyway, I mentioned that you’re all storytellers.

Here’s where I’d like your storytelling expertise…

To help us raise more money, both by raising prices (and justifying it through story) and raising donations (we’re a non-profit, after all.)

Modern Marketers would tell us to appeal to people’s emotions.

You’re all trained in this!

What emotions get people excited to act the most?



Those are the big two (we’ll leave out lust for now!:)

So tell me!

How would YOU appeal to people on our sales pages or TO people here at SAW about their membership contributions?

I asked one expert one year, and she told me to say this:

What would happen if SAW weren’t around? (FEAR)

She told me to tell A Sad Story of when your non profit wasn’t there.

A topical news story. (Here’s one!)

She said Show pictures of the NEED.

Ok really, can you help tell this story? Tell me!

PS- you might have noticed, we are changing platforms. We are trying to migrate everything to the Mighty Network, which has become our home. Our old software doesn’t offer the community, and it confuses everyone with additional log-ins, etc.

So if you want to help merely by upping the amount of your current subscription to either FLOW, MEMOIR or ALUMNI, you can do that by going here to cancel your current membership and signing up at the new locations and prices here:




(reminder that everything comes with FLOW + Publish.)


What part of this story would you tell? And how?




Visionary Comics Workshop with Tom Hart, July 22-26, 2024