Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Continuity and Purpose
I've been realizing lately why we tell our stories. It's to take our narrative for ourselves. And especially, to find continuity in our lives.
The best advice I ever got.
I was in the studio of cartoonist Brian Sendelbach in 1993, fretting about my latest mini-comic, when he stopped me and gave me the best piece of advice anybody has ever given me.
The best rejection letter I ever got...
The best rejection letter I ever got came from an editor who was hiring all my friends for a hip anthology in the 90s. I had made a somewhat popular 50-page comic at this point, and thought anyone should hire me.
Can TRUTH and CRAFT co-exist?
James Kochalka said he’d rather see an intense, raw, scrawled story than someone aping other people’s techniques. I tend to agree- but I also know every time I personally strive for more.
Tom Hart interviewed on Your Creative Push
In this interview, I discuss a little of my artistic educational journey, how I was able to continue working on comics through my initial artistic shortcomings.