Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Bootleggers Guide to Color with Jess Ruliffson
How do you get by using color when you don't feel you know anything about color? Feel confident in choosing colors for your comics with our Bootleggers Guide to Color with cartoonist and Eisner Nominee, Jess Ruliffson!
Starts June 21, 2023, Sign up link in bio or go to --> learn.sawcomics.org
Enhance the meaning and drama of your storytelling. Only a couple spots left!
Replay of Unexpected Fiction with MJ Robinson!
Replay Video of Unexpected Fiction workshop with MJ Robinson!
Replay of Having Fun with Lying with Fionn McCabe
Replay of Having Fun with Lying with Fionn McCabe If you've missed the most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop , check out the replay and draw in your own time!
We hope you've been having a good time enjoying this creative community full of art-making!
Check out the replay!
Replay of Drawing (Not) on Location with Alabaster Pizzo!
Catch the replay of our most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop! We had an amazing time with the brilliant Alabaster Pizzo, artist of Prayer to St Terese, and Mimi and the Wolves. She had us drawing from google maps, searching for places we wished to travel - interiors and exteriors, and making our comics there. We went deep and had fun, like most Friday Night Workshops. We hope you've been having a good time enjoying this creative community full of art-making!
Patience, Impatience, Deadlines, Not Caring, and Finding Your Voice
If you've ever loved an art form, you know what a plunge it is to engage in it.
I've loved songs my entire 50+ years, but have never ever tried to make them, not even a little. They just seemed magic and best left to the experts, kind of like football or mountain climbing. I'm just glad people are out there doing it; I knew I'll never be one of them, and it's ok…
Friday Night Comics Recap: Oppo(sites and giggles) with November Garcia
If you missed our most recent *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* Friday Night Workshop, catch the replay below!
"We had an amazing time with November Garcia who had us writing out our problems, but drawing the opposite expressions. Very therapeutic! We went deep, had fun, dealt with some real woes. Thanks to Ms. Garcia for helping us work this stuff out!"
Friday Night Comics Recap: Music That Moves You with Abby Kacen!
If you missed our most recent *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* Friday Night Workshop, catch the replay below! We had a great time with Abby Kacen who had us making comics about MUSIC and who knew all the amazing stories that would come out? Come check it out! Thanks for coming to the SAW Friday Night Workshops! We hope you have a good time enjoying some creative community and art-making!
Friday Night Comics Recap: Book Review Comics with E. Haidle!
If you missed our most recent *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* Friday Night Workshop, catch the replay below! We had a great time with Elizabeth Haidle who had us making book reviews in comic form. We mixed up characters and made animals tell the story of our favorite childhood books and even made up some books! It was a lot of fun. Come take a look!
Friday Night Comics Recap: Birds as Main Characters with Will Betke-Brunswick!
Catch the replay of our most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop with Will Betke-Brunswick! We had a fantastic time with Will, who had us drawing birds, and having us reaching our goals with our little bird characters. It was so much fun, what a delightful time. Come join us for the replay or the next workshop!
How To Make a Webcomic
An article by SAW Instructor, Jess Ruliffson, going over a recent PRO-CALL we had with REIMENA YEE on how to make a webcomic; tools to make webcomics; webcomics vs. print; and more!
Friday Night Comics Recap: Your Teenage Self with Sarah Mirk!
Catch the replay of our most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop with Sarah Mirk! We first explored a 10 minute drawing challenge—in the top quarter of the page, draw a full body portrait of yourself as a teen wearing one of those significant clothing items. You can draw simple (you can be a blob)! Then, we tried to incorporate some details that help visually tell the story of who we were—Maybe label the important clothing item, tell us what it is and when and where you got it. What would you carry around as a teen?
Tom Hart's UMF Visit!
My trip to University of Maine Farmington---
I had such a GREAT TIME at the University of Maine in Farmington. The fantastic writer Amy Neswald invited me up to give a workshop and a talk, and it was terrific.
Don't Look Now! SAW's latest comics anthology on sale now!
Upcoming SAW Pro-Call with Remeina Yee Jan. 31!
We bring in comic professionals from all walks of life to guest speak (virtually) at SAW. These guest speakers give SAW students/members some insight from their personal experiences throughout their comics career and welcome questions at the end of each session. Come join us!
Our next Pro Call is with Remeina Yee!
No Straight Lines Viewing Party with Q+A
Intimate yet expansive, No Straight Lines chronicles the rise of five DIY comic artists who were part of an artistic movement that ushered LGBTQ art into the mainstream.
Replay of Friday Night Comics with Sarah Maloney
Catch the replay of our most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop with Sarah Maloney @maloneydoodles! We explored CREATING PLACE in our comics where we were asked to draw some shoes and then to consider where those pair of shoes would take us. We hope you've been having a good time enjoying this creative community full of art-making!
Recap of Georgia Webber Pro-Call
We had a great call with comics artist, health explorer, deep listener and community builder, Georgia Webber this past week! Webber guided us through what drew her to comics; her early work as an editor and designer (including a double zine bound on each side and held together); the process of DUMB, which was heavily thought out but then drawn directly in ink; and her collaboration in “Dancing After TEN,” in which she was tasked with illustrating the story of Vivian Chong's life with Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) and how it eventually affected her vision.
Replay of Friday Night Comics with Aidan Koch: Experiments in Climate Drawing
We had a really lovely time with Aidan Koch who had us talking and drawing about climate change. What we were afraid of, what we were hopeful for, what we were doing in our communities. It meant a lot, a lot of people shared and a lot of people felt better and more connected in the end. Come take a look and share your concerns with us. We hope you have a good time enjoying some creative community and art-making!
Reply Friday Night Comics Tom Motley's Daredoodles
We had a great time with Tom Motley from SVA who brought us through DAREDOODLES, some inventive ways to make characters and comics!