CLUTTER by Ariel Bordeaux Book Release Party! Friday March 4

We’re thrilled to be hosting an IN PERSON and VIRTUAL book release party for Ariel Bordeaux and her new book, Clutter, published by Fieldmouse Press

Ariel has a new book out, and spring is around the corner and I just moved to town a year and a half ago and we want to see you amazing faces and celebrate with you. Won't you come out to check out Ariel's new book?

Ariel's new book is called Clutter, and she's been working on it for years. And finally there are copies at Riff Raff so let's go celebrate being together and making our things.

We'll be at RIFF RAFF on FRIDAY March 4, from 7-9 pm. Riff Raff 60 Valley Street Suite 107A.

This event is co-sponsored by SAW, and omg they are doing free drinks from 7-8.

Oh, we’re going to TRY to go virtual with a Q+A at 8:15 but no guarantees! (Yet.)

Spread the word! See you there!


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