Behind the Scenes: the March (and February!) Monthly Report from SAW

Hi to friends new and old! Welcome to another round of our end-of-month reports.

There’s been a lot going on in the network and I’m excited to share what the SAW team has been working on, and what’s been happening around the network.

In person programs

Our in person year long certificate program is drawing to a close with the final classes of the year held at the end of March. The graduating students are currently working hard on their end of year anthology and exhibition tentatively scheduled for June. 

A group of students travelled to FLUKE, the annual small press zine fair in Athens, Georgia, at the end of March. There they tabled for SAW and shared their latest work.

Check out the collaborative project, Florida Pest, on Instagram for a peek inside the event.

This also brought an end to the residency period for our final teaching artist of the year, Melanie Gillman. Melanie was an unbelievable wealth of knowledge and resources for our students, and we hope to have them back for both in person and online programs very soon. You can see more of their work and stay up to date about their upcoming books through Instagram -

The first Sunday in March saw the return of our In Person Draw Jam. Lead by Gainesville-local, Barry Sawicki, it brought together over 25 people for the first time since we suspended programs due to COVID in March 2020. The April event was unable to go ahead but we’ll be back again at the beginning of May for another chance to draw alongside friends. If you’re based here in Gainesville (or close by) feel free to reach out to me (Emma!) to let me know what you’d like to see more of in the SAW space!

Last weekend the SAW team (that’s Karlo, Tom and I) had the great fortune to attend the Society of Illustrators annual art festival, MoCCA, in New York. It was our first comics fair back since COVID and after the initial shock to the system of so many people in one place, it was a real joy to be surrounded by other artists again.

The greatest source of excitement was meeting online students and community members that we’ve seen weekly online over the last 2 years and never had a chance to meet in person. Thank you to everyone who stopped by! Next time we’ll remember to get a picture with you all! 

For Providence friends, Tom will be tabling at Unbound this weekend (April 9); in July a group of online members will be presenting a panel discussion at the Graphic Medicine Conference in Chicago and we hope to table there; and after that we hope to be at SPX in September. 

Online events

I’ve added a new section to this monthly newsletter (thanks Susan for the suggestion), and this section is reserved for SAW-official events.

This Friday we’re taking a break from our regular Friday-night workshops and we’ll be returning April 15. In the meantime you can check out the archive of past workshops (like Friday April 1 Animation with Stefan Gruber -

Community Projects 

Each monthly wrap-up I invite you to reach out with ideas you have for the SAW community space. Whether it’s feedback for ongoing programs or suggestions for new events, the admin team is here to help you bring your ideas - comics or community related - to life. 

Not sure what that means? Here are just some of the community-lead initiatives that have formed through the Mighty Network.

  • Jill Littlewood and Steve Bakker are currently planning their second Bookmaking and Poetry Comics Workshop. Bringing together their shared expertise and passion, they will lead you through the potentials of comics, poetry and book arts. The next session is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday April 20, 1-3pm EDT. Follow the topic “Collage and Poetry Comics” to receive updates about events -

  • Within our small ongoing group the Alumni Circle, Susan Marks has created an even smaller biweekly critique group to foster live and spontaneous peer-to-peer workshopping. Similar to the regular meet ups in the Memoir Intensive, they offer a way to deepen your practice and community connection.

  • The Underdrawing Club was started by Adrean Clark and Hannah M. to explore, share and develop drawing skills. This is a small, informal working group practicing drawing together.

  • Each week there are Open Studio sessions lead by online members to mimic that feeling of working alongside other artists in a shared space. Each Open Studio has it’s own way of operating so if you’re joining for the first time, make sure to read the event description before attending and reach out to me (Emma!) if you’re not sure what the best space is for you.

  • In the Mighty Network you’ll find a Graphic Novel Book-A-Month Read along. This month they’re reading ‘My Giant Nerd Boyfriend’. Follow along or join in here -

  • Donna Druchunas (the same Donna who has been generously sharing and exploring procreate skills) has started a regular blog post spotlighting online community members. Read more about it for yourself in the Mighty Network -

These are just some of the current community-generated events. If you’re still looking for a niche in the SAW-space and don’t know how to find it, let us help you create it! 

Publishing at SAW

Our latest student anthologies are back from the printer! Now is your chance to get your hands on ‘Echo: SAW Diary Comics Anthology’ and ‘Iterations: SAW 2021 Graphic Novel Intensive Anthology’. 

Thank you to everyone who has already ordered a copy! Orders will be shipped out next week. 

Our next project will be a collection of student work from the Online Year Long Certificate Program.

Team spotlight

This month we’re placing the spotlight on SAW alumni and Instructor, Beth Trembley, who just announced the publication of her Graphic Memoir, Look Again, through Street Noise Books

This, direct from the announcement - “Once, years ago, while walking her dogs in the woods, Elizabeth found a dead body. 

Trauma can make truth hard to find. Have you ever experienced a terror, grief, or confusion so great that when you try to share it you can only find shattered images floating in darkness? You try over and over, but can’t tell the story, to yourself or to anyone else. Look Again presents us with six variations of the same event, seen through the different lenses caused by other life revelations.

Elizabeth A. Trembley is a Lambda Literary Award-winning mystery writer who now tells her stories in comics. She has a PhD in Literature from the University of Chicago. Elizabeth lives in West Michigan with three big dogs, two cats and her Episcopal priest wife. And she walks in the woods every day.

The book will be coming out in September. But you can preorder the book today and that sends a message to booksellers that they should pay attention to this one!”

Congratulations Beth!

Upcoming Online Programs

We’ve got a bunch of classes coming up and plans for more to be announced in the summer. 

Our annual 6-month Graphic Novel program starts June 1. Let us help you bring your ambitious comics project to life -

If you’re interested in shorter courses, Beth Trembley is offering a four-week crash course in Graphic Memoir -

This will be followed by an additional four-week mentoring period designed for people with their graphic memoir in progress and who need a little extra push to get it to the next level -

Outside Opportunities

Here are some of the outside opportunities that have been sent our way in the last week -

  • Solstice Literary Magazine is hosting their annual Literary Contest and submissions for the Graphic Lit (Comics) section are now open until June 1, 2022. Maybe you remember 3 of SAWs online community members were Finalists and Editors Picks. This year the competition will be judged by Xeric Award winner Josh Neufeld, author of A.D: New Orleans After the Deluge. There is a $500 prize with an $18 entry fee. More info at

  • Every week our friends at 7000 BC offer new opportunities to engage with comics. Find more information over here >>>

Thank You Patrons

Big thanks to all our supports through Patreon: Jules, CB, Janice, Michael, Joshua, Barry, Kevin, John, Karen, Deborah, Warren, Lisa, Joan, Maria, Lisa, Sally, Scott, Natasha, Milica, Umi, Mazur, Marek, Libby, Chris, Brian, Selina, David, Andrew, and Milica!

If there’s anything you feel I’ve missed, reach out and we’ll make sure we bring attention to it in our network. We always to hear from our online members and alumni. Where are you? What are you doing? When will we see you again? 

Until next time, happy comics making!

- Emma @ SAW


Tips on Drawing Hands!


CLUTTER by Ariel Bordeaux Book Release Party! Friday March 4