Whether you're a budding artist or a writer looking to break into the world of comics, SAW offers the perfect opportunity to dive deep into the art of comic-making. Our weeklong workshop is designed to take you from concept to completion, covering every aspect of the creative process.

Day 1: Crafting Your Plot and Characters

We kick off the workshop by helping you lay the foundation for your comic. You’ll start with a blank page and transform your ideas into a structured plot. Carly will guide you through the essentials of storytelling, from developing a compelling narrative arc to creating multi-dimensional characters that your readers will connect with. You’ll also learn about the importance of setting—how to craft environments that not only serve as backdrops but also enhance the story's mood and tone.

Day 2: Setting the Scene

Once your plot and characters are in place, it’s time to focus on the world your story inhabits. We’ll delve into the art of setting design, teaching you how to create immersive environments that draw readers into your comic. From bustling cityscapes to eerie forests, you’ll learn how to design settings that are both visually stunning and integral to your narrative.

Day 3: The Power of Lettering and Panel Design

Comics are a unique blend of visual and textual storytelling, and this day is all about mastering that balance. You’ll explore the art of lettering—how to choose fonts, style speech bubbles, and place text for maximum impact. We’ll also cover the nuances of panel design, including the flow of action across a page, pacing, and how to use panel size and placement to enhance storytelling. This session is crucial for ensuring that your comic reads smoothly and keeps your audience engaged.

Day 4: Inking Techniques

Inking is where your comic truly starts to come to life. You’ll learn different inking techniques, from bold, dynamic lines to subtle shading that adds depth and texture. Our instructors will walk you through the process of turning your penciled sketches into polished, inked artwork, with tips on how to maintain consistency and detail throughout your comic.

Day 5: Final Touches

The final day of the workshop is dedicated to finishing the comic you started or brought to Gainesville to complete. This will serve as mostly a studio day alongside critique and discussion.

Facilitating the weeklong workshop, Carly Shooster is a Jewish-American cartoonist residing in Gainesville, Florida. She is currently working on her debut graphic novel, Mamita, to be published by Fieldmouse Press in Spring 2026.


David Lee Ingersoll- 90s Mini-Comics Oral History Archives


Peter Kuper- 90s Mini-Comics Oral History Archives