Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
This week we recorded the penultimate episode of THE TERRIBLE ANVIL, this time discussing scripts, dialogue, and writing for comics!
The words we use and how they are arranged on the page can guide readers' understanding of our comics and influence how they feel about a story and its characters. But how do you pick the right words? How much is too much dialogue? How can you make sure readers understand your text the way you intend?
Voice and Narration
Explore different types of narration in your comics, which styles do you tend to write in?
Storytelling Flow
I’ve been wanting to create comics without words. And, I found the answer in Tom Hart’s workshop.
Continuity and Purpose
I've been realizing lately why we tell our stories. It's to take our narrative for ourselves. And especially, to find continuity in our lives.
Can TRUTH and CRAFT co-exist?
James Kochalka said he’d rather see an intense, raw, scrawled story than someone aping other people’s techniques. I tend to agree- but I also know every time I personally strive for more.
Leela Corman: The Blood Road
Leela Corman has put out a new amazing piece, BLOOD ROAD, about visiting the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany.
Tom Hart interviewed on Your Creative Push
In this interview, I discuss a little of my artistic educational journey, how I was able to continue working on comics through my initial artistic shortcomings.