Imposter syndrome, drawing from my imagination, what do I have to offer, and time…

“These DEMONS are NORMAL and COMMON. I was just talking with Emma Jensen about imposter syndrome AND I've never been good at drawing from my imagination either.

I had a revelation (it's in one of the videos with Emma) about this recently and it was so helpful! A lot of people need to see to draw, and can't just imagine stuff, and I am one of those people and it is totally normal and ok!  It's beautiful and liberating to start making comics from reference photos. It's one of my favorite things in the world.

YOU ARE READY and you have something to OFFER. Everyone's uniqueness is valuable in art, and yes, you do have something.

The only thing I can't command is TIME. We can try to help, but ultimately that's on your end. But we will try to maximize what you have. “

- Thoughts from Tom Hart

We can help with these, even with helping you to an extent with TIME and especially with STAYING ACCOUNTABLE with our Year-Long Intensive Program!

Are you ready to master the tools and find the motivation and power to make your graphic novel? Ready to go from Good to Great?

Aman King YLP testimonial.png

Accepting Applications for our 2021 SAW’s Year-Long Intensive Program now!


Do you have a story inside you that’s just itching to come out, but want some guidance to help push it out?

Learn more about intensive comics learning with teachers at SAW by checking out SAW’s Year-Long Intensive Program and our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive.

Be sure to also check out our Online Courses, since some courses are offered year-round and are always enrolling!

Our Graphic Memoir Intensive runs year round and is always enrolling.  It includes access to a vibrant working community, twice-monthly live online check-ins, weekly prompts, and access to SAW’s Monthly Pro Calls!

Our Comics Flow Group, is also year-round and always enrolling and is SAW's MOST AFFORDABLE course option with access to Monthly Pro-Calls!

And, of course, come see what we’re all up to on SAW's Mighty Network anytime!




Interview with my Inner Critic


Tips on Drawing Hands