Hey Gainesville locals! It’s me, Carly, back again to tell you about a unique opportunity SAW is offering aimed at ALL FOLKS wherever they are in their art practice!

As many of you know, I am working on a graphic novel. Woohoo! But sometimes, that can feel less like a “woohoo” and more like an “ohhhh no…” My feelings fluctuate all the time in this process, and I have found that after 2 years of doing this on my own, I need accountability.

Eventually, Emma Jensen (bestie!!!) asked me what she could do to help specifically with this problem. She had already hired me on as an instructor for adult and teen classes, and I found myself floundering with doubts about how I could finish my book, keep working as a receptionist, and get the opportunity to teach at SAW. We figured out that for my own book as well as everyone else in our community, that we needed to establish a working group at SAW for folks to opt into.

The SAW Workin Group is a one-a-week meeting place for Gainesville locals to bring whatever long term, short term, or anywhere-in-between project to the SAW studio. Set up like a studio time in a college art class, there will also be 2 critiques and weekly goal setting.

The aim of this accountability group is comprised of the following goals:

  1. Bring SAW locals into the SAW studio space

  2. Get ample feedback on projects currently being worked on

  3. Maintain a weekly art practice within community

  4. Get critique on work

You heard that right - CRITIQUE! Fear not, this is absolutely nothing like the critique in art schools across the world: towering pedestals of un-understandable sculpture that requires 3 hours of standing on your feet to observe in order to get a passing grade. SAW critique is super chill! For starters, it’s silent and seated. Everyone brings in the piece(s) they are working on, set it on the table, and write down their level of sensitivity next to their piece: 1 = just encouragement please, 2 = encouragement with soft suggestions, 3 = critique me with care, 4 = I can handle a little fire, and finally, 5 = hit me with your best shot. From there, we take 10-12 minutes as individuals with each piece of comics or art and write down any critique or praise on notecards or in a chosen notebook. We rotate until we go over all the pieces in the room.

People actually enjoy this, and often find their level of sensitivity can nudged a little bit by the next critique since everyone is already so supportive and friendly!

Join us on Tuesday nights, 7 - 9 PM starting October 5. We like to laugh!!


Farewell EMMA, Hello CARLY


Comics for TEENS!