Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Upcoming IN-PERSON events for October!
Starting October 7th, our regular Draw Jam on the first Saturday of the month will instead be a two day event for 24 hour comics day!
Mid-October, we are thrilled to have award-winning cartoonist, Tommi Parrish (@tommi_pg) lead a week-long Visiting Artist Workshop in the SAW Studio; our usual monthly Drink and Draw on October 19th at Boxcar hosted by SAW alums, Amy @sunshineblossoms and Elli @s0ftpillow; and a free artist talk with Tommi Parish at Third House Books @thirdhousebooks starting at 7:30PM on October 20th…
IN-PERSON Weeklong Comics Retreat!
This Weeklong Comics Retreat is designed to break you out of your regular routine and drop you into a room alongside other cartoonists and comics lovers. We will be prioritizing time in the studio drawing and workshopping projects in small groups.
IN-PERSON Fall Teen Comics Workshop
In this fall teen comics class, students will be developing their comics making skills, flexing their storytelling muscles and trying their hand at new image making techniques.
By the end of the 10 weeks, each student will walk away with multiple comics pages and a reproducible comics zine. They will also have an opportunity to exhibit their work in a Friday night artwork exhibition Friday November 25.
IN-PERSON Intro to Drawing
In this 6-week program you will be guided through the basic principles of figurative and landscape drawing with a view to developing an eye for composition and strengthening your artmaking confidence. Come prepared to draw from life and imagination. These are adult, in-person workshops.
Behind the Scenes: The April Monthly Report From SAW
It’s that time of the month again. Venture forward if want to hear more about what we’ve been working on behind the scenes here at SAW!
TOM RETURNS! In-Person July Visionary Comics Workshop!
Week-Long Comics Workshop for Students, Teachers and other Visionaries! Led by SAW founder Tom Hart, a workshop about discovery + potential!
Behind the Scenes: An End of January Report
Welcome to our first monthly report for 2022! Buckle in. This is a long one.
These end of month reports are a way to share what’s been happening in our in person and online programs, and remind everyone about what they need to be keeping an eye out for.
Spot SAW from Main Street!
Check it out! We have a sign! You can now easily spot us whenever you're travelling along south Main Street here in Gainesville, Florida.
Ink Brick 10 is on it's way!
(Almost) hot off the press! Pages from the Sequential Artists Workshop in forthcoming Ink Brick issue No 10, a vivid farewell to print for the small comics poetry press.
Fonts Book Arts and Comic Graphic Arts talk with Jan Čumlivski, Thursday March 28!
Thursday night! At Sweetwater Co-Op in conjunction with SAW.
Bike + Theater + Environmental Activism! Wed Feb 27!
We're super excited to be helping the AGILE RASCAL BICYCLE TOURING THEATRE travel all of Florida ON BIKES spreading a theatrical story about THE EVERGLADES and the FLORIDA ECOSYSTEM!
OMG - SO MANY upcoming art classes and shows in Gainesville!
There are so many exciting and inspiring art classes coming to Gainesville starting this fall- come check it out!!
Friday, November 16th: Presenting Jason Lutes' Berlin
On Friday, November 16th, there will be two opportunities in Gainesville to attend presentations on Jason Lutes’ masterful graphic novel, Berlin.
Leslie Stein is our Visiting Artist Workshop, March 4-8, 2019
We are so excited to have Leslie Stein come to Gainesville to bring her funny, kind-hearted, dreamy watercolor magic to SAW artists! More info and links to reserve your space soon!
Teen Art Show Oct 19! 6-8 PM
Our summer teen tween comics art students made great work and have waited a whole 3 months for a celebratory art show, while we moved our whole school!
Come out on Oct 19 and celebrate the hard work they did and grab a copy of the anthology of work made during the two-week program.