Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Lauren Groff on Process
SAW's favorite novelist on drafts, failure, and limitation as gift.
As a maker-writer, you may have a story in mind, the beginning of a story, the end of a story in mind—but rather than emphasizing the narrative arc, she places importance on the process of a “continual thickening until right shape emerges…”
The Small Project Before the Big Project
For anyone working on what feels like (or is) a "big idea" and not knowing how to start. OFTEN, a creator will make a small piece, not realizing it is about to become a bigger thing. This is great, and it's encouraged! Here are some examples:
Making Comics and Graphic Literature Roundtable Discussion - Hosted by Tom Hart and Kelcey Ervick
This will be a virtual roundtable discussing the possibility of graphic literature from the frame work of The Field Guide to Graphic Literature: Artists and Writers on Creating Graphic Narratives, Poetry Comics, and Literary Collage, Edited by Kelcey Ervick & Tom Hart
2022-23 Year Long Program Student Comics Reading
THIS WEEK, we will feature 8 recent graduates from our year-long certificate program reading the final stories.
Field Guide to Graphic Literature Book Launch in Gainesville, FL with Tom Hart!
Join us July 28th for a Field Guide to Graphic Literature Book Launch in Gainesville, FL with Tom Hart!
The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Graphic Literature gives readers unprecedented insight into the techniques of 28 of today’s most innovative creators of poetry comics, graphic narratives, and image-text hybrids. With original craft essays, corresponding exercises, and full-color examples of their work, each contributor offers reflection and instruction informed by their own methods and processes. Edited by Tom Hart @hutchowen and Kelcey Ervick @kelcey.parker.ervick@thirdhousebooks
Invisible Wounds: Graphic Journalism by Jess Ruliffson
Pre-Order your copy of Invisible Wounds: Graphic Journalism by SAW instructor and good friend, Jess Ruliffson. Invisible Wounds: Graphic Journalism is set to come out November 8th and will be published by Fantagraphics Books.
SAW Artist Resident Alumni, Mel Gillman Spotlight and recent success
Success from SAW Artist Resident Alumni, Mel Gillman (they/them)!
"Other Ever Afters" is a collection of QUEER FAIRY TALES and "Who Was a Daring Pioneer of the Skies?: Amelia Earhart" follows the story behind "aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart’s mysterious and fatal second trip around the world." Both published by Penguin Random House.
Recent success from SAW Artist Resident Alumni, Andi Santagata
Recent success from SAW Artist Resident Alumni, Andi Santagata!
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S: FAZBEAR FRIGHTS Graphic Novel Collection #1 is #1 in hot New Releases for Teen and Young Adult Comics and Graphic Novels on Amazon and a Bookseller Favorite. Published by Graphix.
Get your copy wherever books are sold and keep making comics!
Inspirational Titles for Making a Life in Comics
Inspirational Titles for Making a Life in Comics
Photo Novella. Part I by Betsy Hudson
The SAW Year-Long Intensive Program students recently created Photo Comics projects for their 3rd quarter assignments. Shown below is just one of the many examples from our students. Check out this Photo Novella by student, Betsy Hudson! Have you created a photo comic, or, Photo Collage, before? Why not try it out? Even if it’s just one panel. Check out this Youtube video of Tom Hart going over Photo Novels.
Cartoonist Identity Crisis
A personal comic by SAW member and Alumni, Kevin Curley, regarding process, growth, and identity as a cartoonist.
Review - Vagina Love: An Owners Manual by Lili Sohn
We review Lili Sohn’s translated Vagina Love: An Owners Manual, yours to read in English through Street Noise Books in February 2022.
Making Comics Hurts! Is This You?
We all have different set-ups, different positions we like to be in when we draw, different places we like to work. Whatever your way of working, if you’re having BACK-PAINS, WRIST PAIN, NECK PAIN, or more, check out this great read!
On Making Work for the Market
We DO belong somewhere, but the "market" is cruel place. Very few belong there. I wouldn't recommend anyone try it, without a lot of research and planning, like wearing SCUBA gear… So, what should you focus on so you can sell your work?
On What Matters: 2020-2021 SAW Certificate Program Anthology
PRE-ORDER! On What Matters represents some of the ambitious works developed during the online Year-Long Comics Certificate Program at the Sequential Artists Workshop (SAW) from Sept 2020 to May 2021. From responses to course exercises to deliberations on life and death and haircuts in isolation, it brings together the far reaching work of 26 different artists from around the United States and beyond.
SAW Students in the Comic World
Our 2021 6 Month Graphic Novel Development Intensive is in its infancy but students are already diving into the material full blast and sharing themselves and their work with the SAW community. Here are just two of the talented artists in the 2021 Graphic Novel Intensive showcasing work they already contribute to the comics world.
We have the pleasure of having cartoonists Josh Bayer and Hyena Hell doing another SLIDING-SCALE virtual punk comics workshop!
in this workshop, we go over drawing techniques, inking, some comics history, what makes YOU punk, and getting INK on that page!
Is It a Comic or Just Words and Pictures?
Is it a comic or just words and pictures? For those wrestling with, "is my comic a comic or not?” Check this out!
What's Happening at SAW!
Check out what’s been going on at SAW recently! End of the 2020-2021 Year Long Program, Pro-Call Information, Friday Night Comics Reading, and more!
Updates from SAW! Anthologies, Comic Readings, and Saturday Cartoons!
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups! Updates from SAW! Anthologies, Comic Readings, and Saturday Cartoons!