Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
2022-23 Year Long Program Student Comics Reading
THIS WEEK, we will feature 8 recent graduates from our year-long certificate program reading the final stories.
Sometimes You Gotta
So, I'm doing a memoir comic. Yeah, it's got an anthropomorphic bear and a Gumby-looking guy and the stories aren't 100% "true" but it's a memoir nonetheless..
That is part of the reason I decided to fly home to New Hampshire for a weekend this fall…
Stay Weird!
Some wise words from SAW Instructor, Jess Ruliffson, on just MAKING THE WORK and not worrying about the rest. Read on to see what she means.
SAW ROUND UP! Abstract Comics, Expanding Ideas, and more!
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups! Snakes, Comic Finals, Expanding Ideas, and more!
Come check out what we’ve all been up to at SAW the last few weeks in the Year-Long Program, Storytelling Flow course, Mighty Network, and more!
How to Improve (with Sidney Davidson)
Seeking improvement is a part of being human. Most of us want to “upgrade,” “one-up,” and consistently advance in our life, especially in our creative journey. It’s natural and just comes with the territory of being human.
But how does one improve?
How do we get better, when progress feels so slow?
Sidney Davidson, a Teacher at SAW, offers some insight after being asked “How to Improve.”