Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
SAW Co-Founder, Leela Corman, taught a Believer Mag Friday Night Workshop last week! Here are a few comic examples from students who participated in her workshop! It is also confirmed that Leela will be teaching another SAW course in 2021!
YOUR STORY MATTERS - Leela Corman 8-week Comics Class - Jan 30 - April 2 - Thursdays 1 pm - 3:00 pm
Leela Corman will teach illustration fundamentals, focusing on developing unique imagery and personal a visual language with which to communicate. Thursdays, 1-3 pm
Leela Corman 10-week Illustration Class - Sept - Dec - Thursdays 1 pm - 3 pm
Leela Corman will teach illustration fundamentals, focusing on developing unique imagery and personal a visual language with which to communicate. Thursdays, 1-3 pm
Drawing from the Depths | new class with Leela Corman, Jan 23 - April 10
In Drawing from the Depths, students develop authentic approaches to creating emotionally charged work without resorting to cliche or sentimentalism. In class, we’ll discuss works by artists who excel at delving into deep emotional terrain. Students select a theme or themes (such as desire, shame, ecstasy) to explore over the 6 week course. Short, experimental weekly assignments lead to a 2- or 3- page finished work. Source material may be autobiographical, nonfiction, or fiction.
You Gotta Make That Story
What bastion do we have?
Everything right now is designed to keep us from ourselves, and to keep us from each other.
The distractions, the politics, the voter disenfranchisement, the Alexas and the phones all keep us in their system and out of the ones we create for each other...
Drawing from the Depths | new class with Leela Corman
In Drawing from the Depths, students develop authentic approaches to creating emotionally charged work without resorting to cliche or sentimentalism. In class, we’ll discuss works by artists who excel at delving into deep emotional terrain.