Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Our Relationship with Comics
I was thinking more about this card duo. There are some more lovely interpretations. This is perhaps how we court our relationship with comics in general.
Sometimes You Gotta
So, I'm doing a memoir comic. Yeah, it's got an anthropomorphic bear and a Gumby-looking guy and the stories aren't 100% "true" but it's a memoir nonetheless..
That is part of the reason I decided to fly home to New Hampshire for a weekend this fall…
SAW September Update
October has arrived in all its sunny glory here in Gainesville. With the close of September I thought I’d take a chance to do a quick recap of the last month here at SAW and give a little insight into what’s been happening behind the scenes.
Rat in a Cage: Live Comics and Storyboarding Class with Derek Ballard
Work LIVE with Cartoonist and Adventure Time and The Midnight Gospel Storyboard Artist Derek Ballard to challenge your imagination and skills to develop new ideas and stories.
Sooner or later something comes along that fractures our timeline. Upends our sense of simplicity, cohesion, or maybe our whole sense of self. That's when we start grasping for story. This Graphic Memoir Anthology brings together the work of 17 unique storytellers currently developing ambitious personal stories in comics form with The Sequential Artists Workshop.
IN-PERSON Weeklong Workshop: October 18-22, 2021 CANCELLED
Weeklong workshop: October 18-22, 2021 with Emma Jensen!
Come to SAW's weeklong workshop to get creative focus! Jumpstart a new comics project, or get a wayward project back on track.
Socially Distant represents some of the ambitious works developed during the Pandemic by students of the Sequential Artists Workshop (SAW) from September 2020 to July 2021. Inside, you’ll find words, lines, pictures, and the like mixed to tell stories, whether fictional or not, of masks; of new habits; of loneliness; of comfort; of boredom; of rumors; of relief; of survival; of keeping on. It brings together the far reaching work of 27 different artists from around the United States and beyond.
Procreate Talk and Tech Tips!
In the last few weeks, SAW student Donna Druchunas began hosting tutorial videos for Procreate in SAW’s main online community! Read on to see more!
Who we are, what we do
We recently sent out a network-wide survey to help us build the future of SAW. It made us realize we’ve grown so much over the last 18-months and it might be about time we reintroduced ourselves.
Stay Weird!
Some wise words from SAW Instructor, Jess Ruliffson, on just MAKING THE WORK and not worrying about the rest. Read on to see what she means.
Student Spotlight: Jeff Eggleston
This week, we’re sharing some words, thoughts, and work from SAW student, Jeff Eggleston, as he posted in the SAW Online Community!
See how Jeff spent his Labor Day last week.
Making Comics Hurts! Is This You?
We all have different set-ups, different positions we like to be in when we draw, different places we like to work. Whatever your way of working, if you’re having BACK-PAINS, WRIST PAIN, NECK PAIN, or more, check out this great read!
Starting With One Thing and Ending Up With Another
Recent post excerpt from SAW Instructor Jess Ruliffson in our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive on process and creating “timeless and honest work that that sits on the waves of the shifting currents.”
Keep Characters Consistent (or Not)
Recent post excerpt from SAW Founder and Instructor, Tom Hart, in our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive on keeping characters consistent… or not. A discussion about the two extremes and the in-between. Read more.
SAW Alumni Miranda Harmon New Book!
Taking the chance to celebrate SAW in-person Alum, Miranda Harmon! The middle grade book she drew, 'Mayor Good Boy', came out this week with Penguin Random House! Woo! Don't forget to let us know about your comics wins in the big, bad world outside the network! We want to hear about it!
You Know You're a Graphic Memoirist When...
You Know You're a Graphic Memoirist When... What do you have to say? Check out this exclusive post from one of our ongoing Online Intensive programs: SAW’s Graphic Memoir Intensive (led by Instructors Tom Hart and Beth Trembley)!
Live Q & A Review
Did you miss our live Q & A about the upcoming online year long certificate program last week? No worries! We recorded it for you! Or if you’re like me and you prefer to read than watch, here are some of the questions and answers that came up in the call.
August Pro-Call with Sophie Yanow!
Our guest this month is Sophie Yanow! Tuesday August 31, 2021 @ 2PM EST! Sophie Yanow is an Eisner-winning cartoonist, memoirist, journalist, and educator whose work focuses on memory and truth, urban planning, theories of control, the militarization of policing, and negative space. Some of her graphic novels include The Contradictions, War of Streets and Houses, and What is a Glacier? Want to tune in? Read more to see how!
The Creative Process in 43 Hayao Miyazaki Screengrabs
The Creative Process in 43 Hayao Miyazaki Screengrabs
An Article About Grief
An article Tom Hart shared recently in our Graphic Memoir Intensive on GRIEF and how it affects us physically, mentally, and who we are. Check it out here.