Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
In-Person Visiting Artist Weeklong Workshop with Tommi Parrish Recap!
We had such a productive week from our last in-person Visiting Artist Workshop led by award-winning cartoonist, Tommi Parrish @tommi_pg (and their dog, Cool Dog)! Here are only a few photos taken from the week demonstrating how Tommi created an atmosphere of looseness and play while having students work on a combination of book making, playing with different DIY printing techniques, painting with gouache, and more! Tommi finished the week off by giving an artist talk over at local, indie bookstore, Third House Books.
Upcoming ONLINE Comic Workshops for October + November 2023
This fall we're bringing you some new and returning online classes from now through until December including Bootleggers Guide to Story Jess Ruliffson, Build Your Own Labyrinth with Matt Madden, Story Structure Basics and How to Use Them with Beth Trembley, and more!
PRE-ORDER | The Shape of Comics to Come by Derek Ballard
SAW's teamed up with Derek Ballard as he returns to the comics zine format with The Shape of Comics to Come, a 36-page lashing of American contemporary culture. As if fueled by destitution rather than maimed, Ballard erects a makeshift tabernacle of rare sincerity with idiosyncratic Sunday funnies style and extends a cadence call hymn of welcome. These comics are just the MREs you need to keep on the firing line.
October Visiting Artist Workshop with Tommi Parrish
We're so excited to announce that our next in-person Visiting Artist Workshop will be lead by award-winning cartoonist, Tommi Parrish (@tommi_pg). Join Tommi in the SAW space October 16 to 20. The class will be a combination of book making, playing with different DIY printing techniques, and painting with gouache based on writing exercises. Each part will draw on Tommi's own creative practice.
Upcoming SAW Pro-Call with Rina Ayuyang
Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!
We bring in comic professionals from all walks of life to guest speak (virtually) at SAW. These guest speakers give SAW students/members some insight from their personal experiences throughout their comics career and welcome questions at the end of each session. Come join us!
2022-23 Year Long Program Student Comics Reading
THIS WEEK, we will feature 8 recent graduates from our year-long certificate program reading the final stories.
Replay of Having Fun with Lying with Fionn McCabe
Replay of Having Fun with Lying with Fionn McCabe If you've missed the most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop , check out the replay and draw in your own time!
We hope you've been having a good time enjoying this creative community full of art-making!
Check out the replay!
Replay of Drawing (Not) on Location with Alabaster Pizzo!
Catch the replay of our most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop! We had an amazing time with the brilliant Alabaster Pizzo, artist of Prayer to St Terese, and Mimi and the Wolves. She had us drawing from google maps, searching for places we wished to travel - interiors and exteriors, and making our comics there. We went deep and had fun, like most Friday Night Workshops. We hope you've been having a good time enjoying this creative community full of art-making!
Tom Hart's UMF Visit!
My trip to University of Maine Farmington---
I had such a GREAT TIME at the University of Maine in Farmington. The fantastic writer Amy Neswald invited me up to give a workshop and a talk, and it was terrific.
No Straight Lines Viewing Party with Q+A
Intimate yet expansive, No Straight Lines chronicles the rise of five DIY comic artists who were part of an artistic movement that ushered LGBTQ art into the mainstream.
Tuesday Drop In -- Make Something Small and Finish
“Make small things. Find friends to counter the “bad” voice.
Do "unimportant" things (like small things, fast things, like journal in the notebook things, single panels, just faces, etc.) - the critics tend to be quelled a little when they think what you are doing is unimportant…”
MAN SAVES COMICS! The Art of the News: Comics Journalism
A new comics exhibit will be on display November 12, 2022 - May 7, 2023 at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum.
Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!
Find SAW at table A:3 at Short Run Seattle this weekend, November 5th!
Our Assistant Executive Director, Emma Jensen, will be running SAW's table! Come by to learn more about SAW or to just say hello.
MICE Recap!
Had a great time seeing some familiar faces around the network this past weekend at the Massachusetts Indie Comics Expo! Thanks again to everyone who stopped by to say hello, and welcome to anyone and everyone new to SAW who signed up after learning more about us!
SAW at MICE Oct. 22-23
Find SAW's table at the Massachusetts Indie Comics Expo (MICE) this weekend, table 59!
Romance Comics with Mel Gillman Starting November 13
This is your chance to experiment with the potential of the Romance Comic!
Join Mel Gillman in this 4 week live zoom class starting Sunday, November 13th. By the end of the four weeks you will have a collection of comics that respond to in class exercises and a new found knowledge of how genre works.
Pro-Call with Wendy Pini October 17
This October, we have TWO Pro-Calls and we're inviting everyone to this one.
SAW Pro-Call with Wendy Pini! | Monday October 17, 2022 @ 2PM EASTERN TIME
We Believe in Comics Podcast: SAW's Friday Night Comics Archive
We’ve started a podcast! We're doing a soft launch of our Friday Night Comics Video Podcasts on Spotify. This is a new way to catch up, rewatch, or listen to archived Friday Night Comics Workshops.