Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
CLUTTER by Ariel Bordeaux Book Release Party! Friday March 4
Come join us for a Book Release Party Friday March 4, 2022
Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop - Drawing Diary Comics with Ellen O'Grady
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop - Drawing Diary Comics with Ellen O'Grady. Friday January 28th, 2022 @ 7PM EST
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop - Recovering Memory through Comics with Jett Allen!
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop - Recovering Memory through Comics with Jett Allen!
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop: Drawing Clothes with Teresa Wong!
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop - Drawing Clothes with Teresa Wong! Join us this Friday for a FREE Comics Workshop with Teresa Wong. Wong is author of the graphic memoir Dear Scarlet: The Story of My Postpartum Depression. Her comics have appeared in The Rumpus and Event. She is the 2021–22 Canadian Writer-in-Residence at the University of Calgary. Don't forget to share your work after the workshop below in the comments, as a post using the "Friday Night Comics" topic, on social media using #fridaynightcomics #sawcomics @comicsworkshop, or all of the above!
Friday Night Workshop: Drawing Dancing with JS Wu!
Join us for our next Friday Night Comics Workshop: Drawing Dancing with JS Wu! About the Event:
Friday January 7th, 2022 @ 7PM EST
PRO-CALL with Casey Nowak!
TWO FOR ONE! We have TWO PRO-CALLS this month! Gain access to this call and future MONTHLY PRO-CALLS by joining a SAW membership or course (i.e. Comics Flow + Publish, Graphic Memoir, Alumni Group, etc.). Explore our ONLINE COURSES link in our bio!
Friday Night Workshop with Nicole Georges!
Our next Friday Night Comics Workshop is with Nicole J. Georges! Develop a daily practice of combining comics and self-care by charting your emotions and drawing yourself into joyful and soothing situations.
SAW Exhibition & Zine Launch October 29!
We're getting ready for our exhibition opening and zine launch tomorrow night. If you're in Gainesville, join us from 6pm to check out the new space and celebrate local cartoonists!
August Pro-Call with Sophie Yanow!
Our guest this month is Sophie Yanow! Tuesday August 31, 2021 @ 2PM EST! Sophie Yanow is an Eisner-winning cartoonist, memoirist, journalist, and educator whose work focuses on memory and truth, urban planning, theories of control, the militarization of policing, and negative space. Some of her graphic novels include The Contradictions, War of Streets and Houses, and What is a Glacier? Want to tune in? Read more to see how!
What is Your Artist Like?
What is your artist like? What is your WRITER like? How else are the two separate for you and what metaphors work for you?
What’s been going on at SAW lately? Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups!
We have the pleasure of having cartoonists Josh Bayer and Hyena Hell doing another SLIDING-SCALE virtual punk comics workshop!
in this workshop, we go over drawing techniques, inking, some comics history, what makes YOU punk, and getting INK on that page!
Updates from SAW! Anthologies, Comic Readings, and Saturday Cartoons!
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups! Updates from SAW! Anthologies, Comic Readings, and Saturday Cartoons!
SAW Co-Founder, Leela Corman, taught a Believer Mag Friday Night Workshop last week! Here are a few comic examples from students who participated in her workshop! It is also confirmed that Leela will be teaching another SAW course in 2021!
We Love to Talk Comics!
Even though 2020 has been a whirlpool; landslide; and train wreck all at once, we’re still trying our best to make online learning as interactive as possible.
Once a month, we try to get a guest speaker in to talk comics, publishing, and whatever other professional insight they have about the comic world.
The last few months, students in our exclusive Mighty Network groups had access to Pro-Calls via Zoom with some awesome guest speakers. This year, we were fortunate enough to get these guest speakers!
What's been happening at SAW lately?
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks in the SAW courses and Mighty Network groups!
Comics 102 starting January 8
We’re beginning the year with the follow up to Comics 101 with Comics 102, developing our comics fundamentals for another 5 weeks of story telling!
Comics Workshop with Jackie E. Davis, March 2-6, 2020
Spend a week immersed in comics, learning from cartoonist and fan favorite creator of Underpants and Overbites Jackie E. Davis. From March 2-6, 2020, at Sequential Artists Workshop, in Gainesville, FL.
Bike + Theater + Environmental Activism! Wed Feb 27!
We're super excited to be helping the AGILE RASCAL BICYCLE TOURING THEATRE travel all of Florida ON BIKES spreading a theatrical story about THE EVERGLADES and the FLORIDA ECOSYSTEM!