Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.


How to Improve (with Sidney Davidson)

Seeking improvement is a part of being human. Most of us want to “upgrade,” “one-up,” and consistently advance in our life, especially in our creative journey. It’s natural and just comes with the territory of being human.

But how does one improve?

How do we get better, when progress feels so slow?

Sidney Davidson, a Teacher at SAW, offers some insight after being asked “How to Improve.”

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Student Stuff Sequential Artists Workshop Student Stuff Sequential Artists Workshop

Hi (Part One)

Read about past student, Emma, and her experience at SAW. In the first of two parts she describes why it is she wants to stay in Gainesville. Pledge your support over at Patreon to follow her story!

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Student Stuff, Tom's Thoughts, Single-Year Comics Intensive Sequential Artists Workshop Student Stuff, Tom's Thoughts, Single-Year Comics Intensive Sequential Artists Workshop

2018-2019 Year-End Wrap-Up!

Thank you students, I heard so much love and gratitude and bonding and confidence. 

Olivia says "This is first year of school where I'm going to miss everyone rather than just saying 'see you later'" and Emma told us she literally called home after orientation crying, not sure what she got herself into (she remembers what the place looked like a year ago!), and now we're hiring her, because she loves the place and we love what she has helped us become.

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Art Shows, Student Stuff Sequential Artists Workshop Art Shows, Student Stuff Sequential Artists Workshop

Year-End Art Show! April 26, 7 pm - 11 pm!

Year-end whizz-bang art show! Two classes of students showing their final work! LOTS of pages and stories! NO Batman (or maybe one.) ALSO:, stories about bodies, dads, moms, adventures, escape, games, and thrones and everything in between! Come see what this year's students have been up to! Raise a glass and toast these fabulous artists!

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