Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
What is Your Artist Like?
What is your artist like? What is your WRITER like? How else are the two separate for you and what metaphors work for you?
What’s been going on at SAW lately? Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups!
We have the pleasure of having cartoonists Josh Bayer and Hyena Hell doing another SLIDING-SCALE virtual punk comics workshop!
in this workshop, we go over drawing techniques, inking, some comics history, what makes YOU punk, and getting INK on that page!
Make Small Things and Finish
Draw the critic. Have a dialogue with it. Talk to it. Pick it with pins. Visualizing the internal struggles we have usually helps (a little). You just gotta transfer your understanding and competence with finishing something you can typically finish to comics. Not your competence with the medium, just your competence with finishing.
Announcing SAWs 2021-22 In Person Instructors
Announcing SAWs Resident Teaching Artists for the 2021-22 in person school year: Andi Santagata, Casey Nowak and Melanie Gillman.
5 Card Nancy Cards for Sale
Where can I buy 5-Card Nancy Cards? Here!
We’ve posted and you’ve asked and we’ve listened!
NEW Live Online Workshops in July
Are you looking to sink your teeth into something new? Have you been missing dedicating a whole weekend to community and new knowledge? We’ve got just the thing for you!
Announcing our first ever live, online weekend workshops. For four weekends in July, SAW alumni will lead you through a weekend of new skills and new ideas.
Do You Ever Worry That You Won't Get it Right?
Do You Ever Worry That You Won't Get it Right? Here are some thoughts from NY Bestselling Graphic Novelist and SAW Founder, Tom Hart.
Is It a Comic or Just Words and Pictures?
Is it a comic or just words and pictures? For those wrestling with, "is my comic a comic or not?” Check this out!
What a difference a year makes
It’s been a long year full of unexpected changes and challenges. Here at SAW the health and safety of our staff, students and community members has been our biggest priority. That’s why in March last year we closed our studio doors and we’ve kept them shut, moving all of our offerings online.
Now that things are looking like they’re changing once again, SAW is looking towards the future of in person programming.
The Small Project BEFORE The Project
For anyone working on what feels like (or is) a "big idea" and not knowing how to start. OFTEN, a creator will make a small piece, either to get moving, or not realizing it is about to become a bigger thing. This is great, and it's encouraged! See more.
What's Happening at SAW!
Check out what’s been going on at SAW recently! End of the 2020-2021 Year Long Program, Pro-Call Information, Friday Night Comics Reading, and more!
Make a Basic Outline
Do you struggle making a plan for yourself? Try making your OUTLINE. It can be as basic and rough as you’d like, just as long as you START IT!
Layne Glasgow and the Artistic Process
An insight on the Artistic Process from Student and Graphic Novelist, Layne Glasgow.
Who will read my comic?
Who will read my comic? The question of why am I doing this? Who am I making this for? How do I get in? How do I reach people? Does anyone care?
When Making a Graphic Memoir: Think About Road Trips
We’ve got lots of projects underway in our Graphic Memoir Intensive group. A few recent works feature “road trips” from the past. These trips might be special journeys of the “once in a lifetime” sort, of a road trip made annually for a family vacation. The different routes of our roots give comics artists plenty to reflect on in the present!
The Importance of Making Your Work Physical
Wise words by Mentor, Elise Dietrich, in our Year-Long Intensive Program about the importance of making your work physical!
Updates from SAW! Anthologies, Comic Readings, and Saturday Cartoons!
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups! Updates from SAW! Anthologies, Comic Readings, and Saturday Cartoons!
SAW ROUND UP! Abstract Comics, Expanding Ideas, and more!
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups! Snakes, Comic Finals, Expanding Ideas, and more!