Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Original Student Success: Sally Cantirino
Sally did the assignments, but she did them her way.
She argued with her instructors, but that was a form of listening.
And she took advantage of every tool around her at SAW, whether it was the pens, brushes, ink, and Bristol board, or our Risograph machines with the weird colors, and the goodwill around the school (and the frequent parties and art shows we would hold) and she made lots of STUFF with what she had, and made herself VISIBLE.
IN-PERSON Intro to Drawing
In this 6-week program you will be guided through the basic principles of figurative and landscape drawing with a view to developing an eye for composition and strengthening your artmaking confidence. Come prepared to draw from life and imagination. These are adult, in-person workshops.
This months SAW Student Interview by Donna Druchunas features David Wagenfeld and talks about everything comics from process to consumption. Thanks Donna! Thanks David!
Inspirational Titles for Making a Life in Comics
Inspirational Titles for Making a Life in Comics
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop: Mindful Diary Comics with J.D. Lunt
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop: Mindful Diary Comics with J.D. Lunt
Friday August 12th, 2022 @ 7PM EST
Don't forget to share your work after the workshop below in the comments, as a post using the "Friday Night Comics" topic, on social media using #fridaynightcomics #sawcomics @comicsworkshop, or all of the above!
Be Regular? Settled? Ordinary? Bourgeois?
This quote also highlights the non-work part of a life and how important it is to the whole (self-care, caretaking, health, car stuff, etc. can demand attention as soon as you commit to a weekly goal for your long-form, gorgeous creative pursuits.
This is the first in a series of interviews with SAW students discussing their experience as comics creators. Conducted by Donna Druchunas and featuring Minnesota-based graphic storyteller, Lynn Von Sien.
An interview between SAW online members Donna Druchunas and Jennifer Shiman about comics making, reading and enjoying.
Behind the Scenes: The April Monthly Report From SAW
It’s that time of the month again. Venture forward if want to hear more about what we’ve been working on behind the scenes here at SAW!
Sophie Yanow - SAW Pro-Call
We had an awesome time learning from Sophie Yanow about her personal journey through comics making and publishing!
SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop with Robyn Smith!
About this Event: SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop with Robyn Smith!
Friday April 29th, 2022 @ 7PM EST Robyn Smith is a Jamaican cartoonist known for her mini-comic The Saddest Angriest Black Girl in Town, illustrating DC Comics' Nubia: Real One (written by L.L. McKinney) and Black Josei Press' Wash Day (written by Jamila Rowser). She has an MFA from the Center for Cartoon Studies and has also worked on comics for College Humor, Nike, and The Nib. She loves cake and her cat, Benson, and holds onto dreams of returning home to the ocean.
TOM RETURNS! In-Person July Visionary Comics Workshop!
Week-Long Comics Workshop for Students, Teachers and other Visionaries! Led by SAW founder Tom Hart, a workshop about discovery + potential!
Tips on Drawing Hands!
Have you had trouble drawing hands? Hands can be hard!
One of our students shared a PDF with resources that they use to help them draw hands and we’re here to share it with you! Link below.
Behind the Scenes: the March (and February!) Monthly Report from SAW
Hi to friends new and old! Welcome to another round of our end-of-month reports.
There’s been a lot going on in the network and I’m excited to share what the SAW team has been working on, and what’s been happening around the network.
CLUTTER by Ariel Bordeaux Book Release Party! Friday March 4
Come join us for a Book Release Party Friday March 4, 2022
More Graphic Novel Editing, Another Comparison
Try to focus on "what I have in my hands right now" (skills and abilities) not “who I wish I was of Future Me Who is Much Better at Drawing and Socializing and Unafraid of All Things.”
Behind the Scenes: An End of January Report
Welcome to our first monthly report for 2022! Buckle in. This is a long one.
These end of month reports are a way to share what’s been happening in our in person and online programs, and remind everyone about what they need to be keeping an eye out for.
Photo Novella. Part I by Betsy Hudson
The SAW Year-Long Intensive Program students recently created Photo Comics projects for their 3rd quarter assignments. Shown below is just one of the many examples from our students. Check out this Photo Novella by student, Betsy Hudson! Have you created a photo comic, or, Photo Collage, before? Why not try it out? Even if it’s just one panel. Check out this Youtube video of Tom Hart going over Photo Novels.