Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.

Classes and Workshops, Community, This Week at SAW, Workshops Sequential Artists Workshop Classes and Workshops, Community, This Week at SAW, Workshops Sequential Artists Workshop

Upcoming IN-PERSON events for September 2023!

Upcoming IN-PERSON events for September 2023! Kicking off September, SAW alums host a FREE in-person Draw Jam on Sept. 2 in the SAW Studio (and on the first Saturday of every month)! Mid-September we have an in-person course with M.S. Harkness, a FREE Live Comics Reading, and a FREE Drink + Draw Jam @drinkndrawgnv. And starting at the end of September, teens can join us in the SAW Studio for 10 weeks of intensive comics-making for our Fall Open Studio with Carly Shooster @hunger_eating_munch!

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SAW Year-Long Program LIVE Q+A Monday 28, 2023

Are you interested in finding out more about our 2023-2024 Comics Certificate Course? Join us on Zoom, Monday August 28 @ 2 PM EDT, for our SAW Certificate Course Live Q+A!

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Against the A.I. with Tom Hart

Don't miss our next *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* SAW's Friday Night Workshop: Against the A.I. with Tom Hart @hutchowen this Friday August 25, 2023 @ 7PM EST.

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Community, Press, Projects, Student Stuff, This Week at SAW, Workshops Sequential Artists Workshop Community, Press, Projects, Student Stuff, This Week at SAW, Workshops Sequential Artists Workshop

SAW Alum Angeli Rafer's New Book!

Taking the chance to celebrate SAW online Alum, Angeli Rafer! The middle grade book she drew, 'Ghosts Don’t Eat Potato Chips came out this week withScholastic! Woo! Don't forget to let us know about your comics wins in the big, bad world outside the network! We want to hear about it!

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Community, This Week at SAW Sequential Artists Workshop Community, This Week at SAW Sequential Artists Workshop

PRE-ORDER | The Shape of Comics to Come by Derek Ballard

SAW's teamed up with Derek Ballard as he returns to the comics zine format with The Shape of Comics to Come, a 36-page lashing of American contemporary culture. As if fueled by destitution rather than maimed, Ballard erects a makeshift tabernacle of rare sincerity with idiosyncratic Sunday funnies style and extends a cadence call hymn of welcome. These comics are just the MREs you need to keep on the firing line.

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Sequential Artists Workshop Sequential Artists Workshop

Replay of No Panels with Laura Gao!

If you missed our most recent *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* Friday Night Workshop, catch the replay below! We had a great time with MESSY ROOTS creator, Laura Gao, who had us making comics without panels, or with special kinds of panels, and what breakthroughs we had! 

Come check it out, and thanks for coming to the SAW Friday Night Workshops!

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Classes and Workshops, Community, Guest Artists Sequential Artists Workshop Classes and Workshops, Community, Guest Artists Sequential Artists Workshop

October Visiting Artist Workshop with Tommi Parrish

We're so excited to announce that our next in-person Visiting Artist Workshop will be lead by award-winning cartoonist, Tommi Parrish (@tommi_pg). Join Tommi in the SAW space October 16 to 20. The class will be a combination of book making, playing with different DIY printing techniques, and painting with gouache based on writing exercises. Each part will draw on Tommi's own creative practice.

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pro-call podcast, Podcast Sequential Artists Workshop pro-call podcast, Podcast Sequential Artists Workshop

Dave Ortega - SAW Pro-Call

Thanks to Dave Ortega for speaking with SAW about his comics!


"I was born in El Paso, Texas where I began my art education and discovered the passion for narrative storytelling through comics.

My self-published comic book series Días de Consuelo is about the early life of my grandmother who was born during the Mexican Revolution. Those issues were collected, edited and published as a graphic novel by Radiator Comics in March 2022. Días de Consuelo was selected by Society of Illustrators for their Illustration 65 annual…”

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Tom's Thoughts, This Week at SAW, What We're Reading, Faculty Sequential Artists Workshop Tom's Thoughts, This Week at SAW, What We're Reading, Faculty Sequential Artists Workshop

Making Comics and Graphic Literature Roundtable Discussion - Hosted by Tom Hart and Kelcey Ervick

This will be a virtual roundtable discussing the possibility of graphic literature from the frame work of The Field Guide to Graphic Literature: Artists and Writers on Creating Graphic Narratives, Poetry Comics, and Literary Collage, Edited by Kelcey Ervick & Tom Hart

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This Week at SAW, Process, Online Learning, Guest Artists Sequential Artists Workshop This Week at SAW, Process, Online Learning, Guest Artists Sequential Artists Workshop

Upcoming SAW Pro-Call with Rina Ayuyang

Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!

We bring in comic professionals from all walks of life to guest speak (virtually) at SAW. These guest speakers give SAW students/members some insight from their personal experiences throughout their comics career and welcome questions at the end of each session. Come join us!

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What We're Reading, This Week at SAW, Process Sequential Artists Workshop What We're Reading, This Week at SAW, Process Sequential Artists Workshop

Field Guide to Graphic Literature Book Launch in Gainesville, FL with Tom Hart!

Join us July 28th for a Field Guide to Graphic Literature Book Launch in Gainesville, FL with Tom Hart!

The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Graphic Literature gives readers unprecedented insight into the techniques of 28 of today’s most innovative creators of poetry comics, graphic narratives, and image-text hybrids. With original craft essays, corresponding exercises, and full-color examples of their work, each contributor offers reflection and instruction informed by their own methods and processes. Edited by Tom Hart
@hutchowen and Kelcey Ervick @kelcey.parker.ervick@thirdhousebooks

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This Week at SAW Sequential Artists Workshop This Week at SAW Sequential Artists Workshop

The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Graphic Literature: Edited by Tom Hart and Kelcey Ervick

The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Graphic Literature gives readers unprecedented insight into the techniques of 28 of today’s most innovative creators of poetry comics, graphic narratives, and image-text hybrids. With original craft essays, corresponding exercises, and full-color examples of their work, each contributor offers reflection and instruction informed by their own methods and processes. Edited by Tom Hart @hutchowen and Kelcey Ervick @kelcey.parker.ervick

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Replay of Having Fun with Self-Mythology with Ellen O'Grady!

Catch the replay of our most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop: Having Fun with Self-Mythology with Ellen O’Grady! We hope you've been having a good time enjoying this creative community full of art-making! 

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Online Learning, Guest Artists Sequential Artists Workshop Online Learning, Guest Artists Sequential Artists Workshop

Pro-Call with Dave Ortega

Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS! 

We bring in comic professionals from all walks of life to guest speak (virtually) at SAW. These guest speakers give SAW students/members some insight from their personal experiences throughout their comics career and welcome questions at the end of each session. Come join us!

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